Measure Z – Nightly Rentals and Public Policy- Should Single Family Home owners be permitted to rent their homes on a nightly basis?

What do you Think?
Yes, No, Yes, No? What is this whole Measure Z initiative about anyway? As written in the ballot scheduled for the Special Election on October 6, 2015, the question is posed as follows: “Shall the ordinance to require voter approval to alter transient rental zoning in certain residential neighborhoods be adopted”?
While this seems like a straight forward enough question, much controversy has arisen over the matter… not just because of the nightly rental subject but also due to the fact this initiative proposes to circumvent elected officials, inhibiting their ability to vote on nightly rental matters in the future.
On September 17th, 2015 from 5:00pm to 7:00pm the Mammoth Lakes Board of Realtors(takes no position on the matter) is going to hold a public forum to help educate and discuss the initiative relating to single family home rentals on a nightly basis. The forum will be held in the Mammoth Lakes Art Center (Old Theater) across from the Police Station. Matthew Lehman and Ted Carlton will be moderating the event, asking questions of 4 panelists on both sides of the issue. Here is a two part video of the forum: Part 1-Measure Z . Part 2 – Measure Z Forum.
Some of the general beliefs from each side of this initiative are:

“No on Z” Voters: (Click Here)
Believe the idea nightly rentals should at least be explored in certain neighborhoods as Mammoth is a tourist based economy
Believe the formation of Measure Z initiative, and gathering of signatures for the measure, was based on misleading information
Believe A “yes” is less about nightly rentals and more about a precedent setting matters in which our political process becomes a referendum based system, removing the ability for elected officials to vote on certain matters.
Believe a “yes” vote sets a precedent in which a vocal minority begins to make governmental decisions through misleading initiatives in which advocates/voters are not properly informed.
Believe that allowing nightly rentals on a nightly basis will lead to substantially increased revenues desperately needed by the town of Mammoth Lakes and ultimately better means of improving quality of life.
Believe that regardless of this initiative, illegal nightly rentals will continue in single family homes and there will be fewer dollars available to enforce law breakers.

“Yes on Z” Voters: (Click Here)
Believe a “yes” vote means nightly rentals cannot be expanded into residential neighborhoods. Most of Mammoth’s single family residential neighborhoods do not currently allow rentals for less that 30 days at a time, preserving needs of the local residents.
Believe a “yes” vote will preserve quality of life by maintaining existing zoning laws and prohibiting an owner from renting on a nightly basis. Arguments are made that nightly renters are frequently noisy, have less consideration for parking controls, bear issues, and neighbors.Believe a “yes” vote protects your right to vote. Some of those in favor of Measure Z feel their voice has not been heard.
State a “no” vote will allow elected officials to impose nightly rentals.
A “yes” vote reinforces CC&R’s and property rights.
Believe a “yes” vote protects renters and working family’s.
Believe a “yes” vote support hundreds of legal home and townhome rentals.
There are many more beliefs on both sides of this issue. What Do you think about Measure Z?