Are you interested in the Mammoth Real Estate Market?
Perhaps you want to get a better understanding of pricing and values in Mammoth Lakes because you are a home owner or a possible buyer looking for a new home or investment property. This Market Trend Report will help. Compare the Mammoth Lakes Real Estate Market today versus last quarter or previous years.

As of July 1, 2014, the median pricing for homes in Mammoth Lakes was trending about 8% over the median pricing for homes during 2013. Condominiums were showing a staggering 15%+ increase in median pricing over 2013. Want to see which specific property types were performing the best or the worst… just take a look, its free! Market Trend Analysis. If you decide you want to receive this report automatically, just sign up by clicking here or email me at [email protected].

In addition to keeping you up to date on current Market trends, this report also provides recent information on news affecting Mammoth Lakes. This news may include information on new commercial flights proposed for Mammoth Lakes (i.e. Las Vegas???), or information on new developments in the works (Inn at the Village? Sierra Star?). If we don’t have what you are looking for… just call… we can help.
Here is a very easy Search Tool to help you find the property information you are looking for or to simply explore the real estate market for homes, condominiums and other property types listed FOR SALE.
Know your Mammoth Real Estate Market!